Friday, November 10, 2006

Week in Guadalajara

I have just returned from spending a short week in Guadalajara, Mexico at the MAC Region Homeschool Conference. I was called in at the last minute to "fill the shoes" of our dear friends, the Chafins, who were unable to go. I helped with communications/details with the hotel during the meeting, and with testing 1st graders in Achievement tests. I was also able to help out in the MK classes while parents were in workshops. I really enjoyed the week... being in a different place, doing a different type of work, and being around missionary friends all over the MAC Region. I got to help "judge" the Children and Youth Bible Drills (something I have missed doing for years!) They also had a showcase in Thursday night, in which the MKs shared their talents and some science projects/experiments.

It was a fulfilling week for me, although I REALLY missed my 3 guys. It looks as though they survived the week w/o me.. clothes are clean, dishes are put away (thanks to the Poulettes for feeding them several nights!!), and homework got done!! The weekend will be quite busy because Rob leaves on Sunday morning for a week of travel in Honduras.

We'll be heading out shortly to attend the 2nd night of MI ESPERANZA at Miguel's house. Rob said there were 7 new folks there last night... Pray for God's Spirit to move and that they will come to realize their need for Jesus in their hearts and lives. More to come on that...... stay tuned tomorrow!!Hotel Primavera where we had the Conference

Two of the sweet MKs with whom I had the privilege (and lots of laughs) to work/test


Unknown said...

I'm glad you had a great trip- I'm sure it was nice to get out and see a new city!! I hope your night went well tonight with Mi Esperanza!!

Emily W said...

Tina, I have so enjoyed reading and catching up on your blog! The photos are just great. I love seeing Irmita, since you have spoken of her so often. Your Thanksgiving Holiday sounded so much fun. We had a great family time, too. A house full! Keep counting down, it won't be long now. Love to you all, Emily